Frequently Asked Questions

Event Info

  • Q: Where is Spread the Love?
  • A: Spread the Love 2024 is being hosted at the University of Michigan - Flint, with an optional online component.
  • Q: What hours is the LAN open for?
  • A: The LAN will be open from 5:00 PM to 1:00 AM on Friday, and 10:00 AM to 1:00 AM on Saturday and Sunday
  • Q: I'm the Press, who should I contact for more information?
  • A: Contact us via our email and we'll happily answer your questions

Attendee Info

  • Q: Will there be swag?
  • A: Yes, our event sponsors will have a chance to table where you can stop by and see their products. The CEN will also be selling LAN-exclusive merch.
  • Q: Do I need to bring my own PC?
  • A: No, over 50 PCs and peripherals will be provided.

Tournament Information

  • Q: Is there a tournament registration fee?
  • A: No.
  • Q: Who can play on my team?
  • A: Only current students and alumni are allowed to participate in the games, but anyone can show up to the LAN.
  • Q: What happens if my team doesn't make it to the semifinals?
  • A: You can, and should, still come to the LAN! There's lots to do and you can cheer on your fellow commpetitors on their way to the top!

Additional Information

Questions still not answered? Head over to our discord and send us a message!